Article No. Grade Purity CAS No. Molecular Formula Molecular Weight H.S. Code Shelf Life
SC0506 For Synthesis 99% 7803-57-8 N2H5OH 50.06 2825.1020 60 Months


500 ml,2500 ml

Physical Properties

Physical state at 20 °C Liquid
Colour Clear Colorless
Odour Ammonia like
pH value 10-11
Melting point/ Freezing point [°C] -57°C
Auto-ignition temperature [°C] 310 °C
Flash point [°C] 96 °C
Boiling point [°C] 117°C
Vapour density 1.1
Density [g/cm3] 1.028
Solubility in water [% weight] Miscible with water
Viscosity at 40°C [mm2/s] 0.90 cps
Explosion limits - upper [%] 99.99%
Explosion limits -lower [%] 3.50%


Appearance A clear liquid
Assay (iodometric) Min 99%
Identity (IR) Passes test

Safety Information and Hazard Symbols

Flame Corrosion Skull and Crossbones Health Hazard Environment
Symbol GHS02, GHS05, GHS06, GHS08, GHS09
Signal Word Danger
UN No. 2030
IMCO Class No. 8,6.1
Packing Group II
Hazardous Statement H226-H301-H311-H314-H317-H331-H350-H410
Precaution Statement P201-P261-P273-P280-P301 + P310-P305 + P351 + P338
Risk Statement
Safety Statement
Revision Date : 23-Sep-2022